The benefits of tongue scraping
Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic self-care ritual known called Jihwa Prakshalana. It is performed with a U-shaped plastic or metal tool...
Niksen: the wellbeing benefits of doing nothing
I don’t know about you, but I enjoyed the slower pace of life during lockdown. Without all the running around to kid’s sports activities,...
Tips for being Ageless
It was very perceptive that my children choose letter Happy Birthday candles over numbers for my recent birthday. Why? Because birthday...
Create your own happiness
To be happy, I think you have to take ownership and create the feeling. I like to do things weekly that make me happy. I’ve written...
A little ray of sunlight: the wellbeing benefits of regular sun exposure
We’ve all had the negative effects of too much sun drilled into us. However, in regular small amounts, sunlight has many health benefits...
The uplifting benefits of the Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
Every year I look forward to the beginning of Spring when the daffodils in my garden and field beyond start to bloom. I love their bright...
Mindfulness activities for all ages
What is mindfulness? Put simply, it is giving something your full attention. This could be focusing on your thoughts, feelings, bodily...
Be your own Valentine with a healthy heart
Happy Valentine’s day. Today is a good day to remember to give some love to yourself in the form of heart health as it is so vital to...
Building resilience
Agile, adaptable, pliable, flexible, buoyant, bounce-backable. These are all words and phrases that convey resilience to me. I love the...
Getting through dry January and beyond
REASONS TO GO DRY Many people go dry in January and there are health good reasons for this. Research has shown that you get: Better...